Not lame. Good question! I've always tried to get RID of curly-quotes, never 
tried to use them. So, I pasted one in from Word and found out using charToNum 
that its number 210.

replace quote with numToChar(210) in field "foo"
--do your counting
replace numToChar(210) with quote in field "foo"

Actually, to skip all the confusion, you could just use a character for the 
replacement that isn't so obscure, like ~ or many others. Then you write:

replace quote with "~" in field "foo"
-- do your counting
replace "~" with quote in field "foo"

I have probably broken a bunch of the new unicode rules that I haven't learned 
about yet.


On Oct 12, 2014, at 12:58 PM, wrote:

> Easy to say, but how does one replace the quotes with curly-quotes?
> I can't find out where it says how to do that.
> Sorry I'm so lame.
> Larry

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