On 10/12/2014, 10:29 PM, la...@significantplanet.org wrote:
Thanks everyone for the info on libraries and backscripts, etc.

I feel like I'm back in college taking an intensive class.

If I understand everyone correctly, I could do this if I want my
functions to work in a standalone:

Make a stack that has a button (or the stack itself, right?) with all my
functions in it.

Then just add (copy) that stack as a sub-stack to whatever application
I'm working on - say stack "larryLibrary"

That way all my functions are available to me as I develop and also
available when I create the standalone.

Have I got it right?

Yup, except for the last critical step: you have to tell the engine to actually use the script. If it's in the stack script, you can use either one of these statements:

   start using stack "larryLibrary"
   insert script of stack "larryLibrary" into back

If the script is in a button, you have to use the insert syntax:

   insert script of button "larryScript" of stack "larryLibrary" into back

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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