Thanks, Colin. This may help.

In the Runtime folder of the LiveCode application bundle, if you drill down 
into iOS -> Device-[whatever], there is an Entitlements.xcent file. I’m 
assuming this is where that same key could be added. However, there’s also a 
StoreEntitlements.xcent, with the same contents as Entitlements.xcent. So I’m 
not sure which one to make the change in. Maybe both? Does anyone know?

At some point RunRev will need to update LC to support his, but in the 
meantime, this may be a viable workaround.

Thanks again.

> On Jan 26, 2015, at 12:33 PM, Colin Holgate <> wrote:
> With Adobe AIR you have added this to the app descriptor XML:
> <Entitlements><![CDATA[<key>get-task-allow</key><false/><key>beta-reports-active</key><true/>]]></Entitlements>
> That then ends up in the embedded provisioning profile. Not sure of the steps 
> for LiveCode.
> Test Flight’s URL is 
> <>, but as you say, it closes on Feb 26th. If 
> you have an HTTPS site you can post builds for your testers, but those would 
> just be from your list of 100, not from the Test Flight 1000 external testers.
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