Not that this solves your particular problem but some might be interested in 
this function. I will see if I can include this scenario in my function at some 

Bob S

function formatTime theTime, theFormat
   accepts any valid time and returns the form of the time specified in the 
second parameter.
   The valid formats are:
   sql time: hh:mm:ss (Note: combining sql date from the formatDate() function 
with the
   sql time will produce a valid SQL date time type).
   short time: LC short time format
   abbreviated time: LC abbr time format (same as short time)
   long time: LC long time format
   seconds: the number of seconds since the prior midnight
   military: the military time 00:00 - 23:59

   set the numberFormat to "00"
   switch theFormat
      case "sql time"
         convert theTime to dateitems
         put (item 4 of theTime +0) & ":" & \
               (item 5 of theTime +0) & ":" & \
               (item 6 of theTime +0) into theTime
      case "short time"
         convert theTime to short time
      case "abbreviated time"
         convert theTime to abbreviated time
      case "long time"
         convert theTime to long time
      case "seconds"
         convert theTime to seconds
      case "military"
         set the itemDelimiter to ":"

         if theTime contains "PM" then
            add 12 to item 1 of theTime
         end if

         put word 1 of item 2 of theTime into item 2 of theTime
   end switch

   return theTime
end formatTime

On Jan 28, 2015, at 21:28 , Geoff Canyon 
<<>> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 8:12 PM, Brahmanathaswami 
<<>> wrote:


As anyone written a script to convert this to seconds?

If the positioning is fixed (as is implied by the leading 0s) then I think
this will work:

function S D
  put format("%s/%s/%s %s",char 6 to 7 of D,char 9 to 10 of D,char 1 to 4
of D,char 12 to 19 of D) into R
  convert R to seconds
  return R + 3600 * char -3 to -1 of D
end S
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