FYI: those interested in this date/time enhancement can add their thoughts here:

Bob Sneidar wrote:
Sorry about the extra lines in the last post. Not sure what caused that. Here 
is the formatDate() function as well.

Bob S

function formatDate theDate, theFormat
    Accepts any valid date for the first parameter. If not a valid date, it 
simply returns
    what was passed. Second parameter can be any of the following:
    sql date: date in the yyyy-mm-dd format
    short date, abbreviated date, internet date, long date: LC versions of the 
    julian date: Julian number based on (I believe) Jacques formula)

    put the itemdelimiter into theOldDelim
    set the itemdelimiter to "-"

    if the length of item 1 of theDate = 4 and \
          the number of items of theDate = 3 and \
          item 1 of theDate is a number and \
          item 2 of theDate is a number and \
          item 3 of theDate is a number then
       put item 2 of theDate&  "/"&  \
             item 3 of theDate&  "/"&  \
             item 1 of theDate into theDate
    end if

    convert theDate to dateitems
    set the itemdelimiter to theOldDelim

    switch theFormat
       case "sql date"
          put item 1 of theDate&  "-"&  \
                format("%02d",item 2 of theDate)&  "-"&  \
                format("%02d",item 3 of theDate) into theDate
       case "short date"
          convert theDate from dateitems to short date
       case "abbreviated date"
          convert theDate from dateitems to abbreviated date
       case "internet date"
          convert theDate from dateitems to internet date
       case "long date"
          convert theDate from dateitems to long date
       case "julian date"
          put the date into theDate
            convert theDate to dateItems
            if  ((item 2 of theDate = 1) or (item 2 of theDate = 2)) then
                  put 1 into theDay
                  put 0 into theDay
            end if
            put item 1 of theDate + 4800 - theDay into theYear
            put item 2 of theDate + (12 * theDay) - 3 into theMonth
            put item 3 of theDate + \
                        ((153 * theMonth + 2) div 5) + \
                        (365 * theYear) + \
                        (theYear div 4) - \
                        (theYear div 100) + \
                        (theYear div 400) - \
                        32045 into theDate
    end switch

    return theDate
end formatDate

On Jan 29, 2015, at 08:05 , Bob Sneidar<>  wrote:

Not that this solves your particular problem but some might be interested in 
this function. I will see if I can include this scenario in my function at some 

Bob S

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