On 10/06/15 01:02, Bob Sneidar wrote:
Gmail does a pretty darned good job of filtering this sort of thing. Apple’s 
iCloud does too. I almost never get spam and it’s never the really bad stuff.

Bob S

Not really: Gmail seems to think I live in the USA: am snowed under with Walmart coupons and offers for help with my "tires" (sic) - which is funny, because, although as I get older I do tire more easily; as 'tire' is a verb I don't understand why those people insist in using it
as a noun.

I am also getting buckets of offers of a sexual nature from places like Ukraine and Moldova (the last being about a 7 hour drive: so by the time
I got there I'd have no energy for what they offer).

Lasik Vision . . . . . .

View ­ Photos ­ Of CHRlSTlAN ­ SlNGLES In Your ­ Area . . . well, as neither single, nor particularly "Christian" (well, not that anybody would notice)
they've got that wrong.

Beat Alcoholism Today . . . Why? I am perfectly happy with my alcohol consumption: admittedly it is fairly moderate (about 2 glasses of wine a day): but should I want to 'up' my consumption that is none of their business.

Looking for a great smartphone at ­ a ­ great price? ­. . . No, I'm not looking for a smartphone; and I wouldn't want one even if it were Free, or even,
come to think of things, if you paid me to have one.

Luckily Thunderbird pops 98% of the SPAM in the 'Junk' folder: so, not that impressed by Gmail's filters, but Thunderbird makes up for that.

In fact, I cannot recommend Thunderbird enough: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/


On Jun 8, 2015, at 07:46 , Richard Gaskin <ambassa...@fourthworld.com> wrote:

Kay C Lan wrote:

I use this email account almost exclusively for this Use List now;
so I haven't recently given it to anyone, company or whatever.

Up until yesterday I usually received 1 or 2 false SPAMS a day;
typically from Dunbarx's AOL account or some other legitamate Use
List user with an AOL account.

Up until yesterday I usually receved a single actual SPAM every
couple of months.

Today I accessed this account and I had over 50!!! That's more than
the TOTAL email SPAM I've ever received on this account.
This is a public list where the archives are publicly available:

Every resource publicly available is easily spiderable.

I think all you're seeing is what seems to me a recent uptick in the 
aggressiveness of certain spammer-controlled botnets.  I've been seeing a lot 
more spam myself lately, mostly for junk stock tips and bots claiming to be 
Russian women who want to marry an American.

There is no cure.  Spam consumes so much of our Internet that an estimated 
5-10% of legitimate email never arrives at its destination because all systems 
are bogged down trying to stay on top of spam.

Windows still has about 90% of the computing market, and most botnets are run 
on unsuspecting end-users' machines.  The rest are often installed on Web 
servers that didn't stay on top of the updates for their CMS frameworks.  When 
we combine millions of compromised servers with tens of millions of compromised 
desktop machines, the botnets can only win.

Sorry, don't have a "glass half full" for this one.

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
ambassa...@fourthworld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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