On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 11:55 PM, J. Landman Gay <jac...@hyperactivesw.com>

> When the last script editor revision was released it included hooks so you
> could work in any external editor.

Was that pre or post GLX2? More information would be welcome. I manually
take scripts in and out of BBEdit and it would be nice if LC behaved like
all the other apps I use that seamlessly integrate with BBEdit.

> I believe the feature is still available. I know there are at least some
> remnants of it because there's a bug that sometimes warns me that the
> script has been revised in an outside source when it hasn't been.
> Yes I've seen this warning, both logically - because I have messed with
the script in BBEdit, and less obviously - when I don't believe I've
revised the script. I'm casually trying to figure this out as to whether it
is a bug or a feature I don't understand. Currently I have two theories; 1)
whilst stepping through a script in debug mode you display a variable in
it's own window (not just in the pane below the scrip you are stepping
through) and manually amend the variable value then continue to step
through the script but cancel it at some point prior to it's proper end
point. 2) whilst stepping through a script in debug mode you manually
adjust the parameters of a conditional breakpoint, continue to step through
the script but cancel it at some point prior to it's proper end point. In
both these cases LC becomes out of sync with what it thinks is the current
state of the script compared to what it's saved state of the script is.

As I said, I'm only casually tracking this as I certainly don't have a
recipe to make it happen and because it happens so rarely I'm never in the
frame of mind that 'Oh this could happen'. But when it does happen, at this
stage I seem to have been doing the above.
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