On 2015-09-03 21:38, J. Landman Gay wrote:
Returning to this topic...we are in the process of creating new stacks
in LC 7 while still running older LC 6 stacks with the same app.
Stacks have custom properties containing text created on a Mac, and my
app uses MacToISO() to display the text when running on Windows.

Some of the LC 6 stacks will be edited and saved in LC 7, others will
remain as LC 6 for a while. My app needs to know whether the character
set has already been converted so it can display text correctly. Is
there a way to tell in a script?

Hmmm - this is somewhat tricky.

From what you are saying you want people to be able to edit content in both LC6 and LC7, the content itself being saved in LC6 format. i.e. You want to move your system forward to LC7, but you need to still support LC6 clients and editors. Is that correct?

Now, LC7 will assume that custom property values coming from LC6 format stacks are binary data thus won't do anything magical with them. However, as soon as you pass that value through anything text-related in LC7 and set the custom property back, it will be (in memory at least) stored as text. Then, when you save the stackfile in LC6 format the engine will convert the text to the platform encoding and save as binary (which is what LC6 expects).

Of course, having just written that there might not be a problem here. If you are still intending to save all your stacks in LC6 format then it should be fine. You still need to do macToIso / isoToMac in LC7 since it will only be loading things in LC6 format - a problem would only arise if you were sometimes saving your content stacks in LC7 format.

In terms of moving forward what you might want to consider is transitioning to storing your text in custom properties in UTF8 format. So, rather than using macToIso / isoToMac you decode the UTF8 into text in both LC6 and LC7. This means you can continue to use LC6 format, but at some point in the future ditch LC6 support and then you'll be able to start using unicode in your text without any problems. (To be fair, you could still do that now - its just that in LC6 clients / editors, any unicode characters would appear as ? as they wouldn't be in the native encoding).

Hopefully that's not too confusing :S


Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
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