I probably missed this but you keep referring to "my TE". What is it? Atom?

On Fri, Sep 4, 2015, 7:02 PM Kay C Lan <lan.kc.macm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 2:06 AM, J. Landman Gay <jac...@hyperactivesw.com>
> wrote:
> > On 9/4/2015 2:08 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:
> >
> >> 6) boilerplates
> >>      I can type in switch and a little popup will come up
> >>
> >
> > >3) more script space, less wasted space
> For this one at least, you can adjust the bottom pane to any height that's
> > convenient. I change it frequently depending on what I need to see.
> >
> I do too, and I'm very thankful for that ability, what I guess I'd like is
> for the IDE to read my mind ;-) or at least just remember some basic
> defaults. When I start typing in the Script field, I must be Editing a
> script so I'd like the "Errors Pane" to come to the fore and automatically
> reduce to two lines - as I've never seen an error that requires more than
> two lines. I Save VERY frequently (even when I know my script is in a state
> that will produce an error) so the most likely thing that is going to
> happen is a compilation error needs to be displayed so I have the Editor
> field as large as possible and the Error pane ready to go. When I 'use' my
> stack and we hit  a breakpoint, clearly I must be in Debugging mode, in
> which case my preferences are I only want to see a half dozen lines above
> and below the breakpoint, I want to see the Variables so I'd like the
> Variable pane to be shown - if there are few variables then show me them
> all and the rest of the area can be script, if there are a LOT of Variables
> and it's not possible to display every single one of them at least expand
> the pane up to the point where my preferred minimum dozen lines of script
> are left displayed.
> I appreciate that for some this would be completely annoying but by the
> same token I think many would appreciate if those 5 panes (Errors,
> Documentation,Variables, Breakpoints, Search Results) had a Preference for
> Manual (Exactly the same as now) or Automatic and if you selected Automatic
> you could list the minimum number of lines to be displayed in the Script
> Editing field respective to each pane, so clicking on the Variables pane
> would automatically adjust it's size to display as many Variables as
> possible but not so as to reduce the displayed number of lines of your
> script below your minimum, and changing to the Breakpoints pane would again
> automatically adjust the size of the pane.
> > Boilerplate is pretty easily added yourself by use of a frontscript....
> > Maybe with enough interest, the frontscript idea could be generalized to
> > allow every scripter to add their own boilerplate options, and it could
> be
> > shipped with LC.
> Yes, and I think I made mention of this with reference to another item,
> it's not that I don't know that I can implement this in LC, it's the fact
> that my TE makes it so much easier. The idea of a community driven effort
> is a good one.
> And this all boils down to the crux of the issue - I'm bone lazy! ALL the
> points that I mention I could script into the IDE for my own personalised
> perfection of Script Editing and Debugging; that is the beauty of LC. But
> instead of spending the time doing that I find the tool that gets me 95% of
> what I want in 1% of the time and I go with that. I just don't have the
> time to script all of that when I can double click on my TE Icon and all
> those features are available in the blink of an eye.
> And for any List Lurkers out there, please do not get me wrong. I will
> happily live without these features in LC's Script Editor because the
> reason I use LC is not because of it's script editor. The reason I use LC
> is because I NEED it to help me work with reams and reams of disparate data
> and LC is the ONLY language that clicks with my brain and allows me to do
> far more than I could every have hoped for. For the very minor quibbles I
> have with the SE, it is NEVER going to stop me coming back to LC time and
> time again to throw together quick and dirty utilities to solve the most
> obscure and obtuse problem of the moment, or continuing to improve, modify
> and extend a multi-stack behemoth I use weekly in my work that has just
> snowballed from something I started about 15 years ago - probably even
> longer if I really looked into.
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