On 24/10/15 23:04, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 10/24/2015 1:51 PM, Richmond wrote:
as people are NOT computers, not vice-versa, I cannot see how an "Open
= with Human-like logic and endlessly extensible in a human-like fashion
is ever going to be possible.

Funny you bring that up, I just read this article minutes ago:


To quote: "Who needs to code when you can use visual building blocks or even plain English to describe intent? Advances in natural-language processing and conceptual modeling will remove the need for traditional coding from app development. Software development tools will soon understand what you mean versus what you say."

So not everyone agrees with you.

The remarks about natural English in the article make me think LC ought to be more prominent.

I've always had a sneaking suspicion that "someone" went 'off at the mouth' a bit during the Kickstarter and promised things that, either, they had no intention of keeping, or promised things that, really, they didn't realise would involve them in so many unseen complexities that
they would be, effectively, unrealisable.

I know Mark Waddingham pretty well, and I've never heard him propose anything that he didn't already have a good idea how to accomplish.

I'm not entirely sure why you equate my "someone" with Mark Waddingham; who has quite adequately demonstrated to be
"a right Captain Sensible" :)


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