On 05/11/2015 15:30, Glen Bojsza wrote:
I was wondering if anyone knows the current state of the HTML5 product that
is being sold.

I do!  I am the lead developer in the core dev team for the HTML5 platform.

My concern is that if I buy a 1 year license and it needs so many releases
before it is developed well enough to deploy than am I buying too early?

People are already deploying apps to HTML5, so arguably it *is* "developed well enough to deploy"! On the other hand, it may not have everything that *you* need for *your* app working yet. I suggest trying it out and seeing what you think.

When the product site has "Are there limitations to HTML5 deployment?" then
this seems to be a red flag to me...is there a list of the limitations? Is
datagrid supported?

Firstly: yes, the datagrid is supported.

There's an "HTML5 Deployment" guide included with the IDE in all editions, and it describes the current things that work (and don't work). You can also read it online here:


Needless to say, there are limitations. You can look at the current bugs filed against HTML5 on the bug tracker:


Also, here are my own personal notes [1] about the current state of HTML5 platform support and things I think we should work on:


Is HTML5 part of the community code base or is it only commercial? I
remember that you could only try HTML5 with the community version of LC so
can I assume that it is part of the community version still?

HTML5 support in community and commercial is identical, except that you can't make closed-source apps with the community edition.

Can anyone share their current recent experiences with HTML5 so I can make
a better decision.

The HTML5 section of the forums has lots of examples that might help you out:


Hermann in particular has a bunch of really impressive demos:


From my perspective, the feedback I've received so far has been very positive.


[1] Standard disclaimers: if it's on this list, it doesn't mean it will be done; if it's not on the list, it doesn't mean it won't be done; this list is not expected to be kept up-to-date or even to continue to exist.

Dr Peter Brett <peter.br...@livecode.com>
LiveCode Open Source Team

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