Usual IANAL terms apply :)

On 2016-03-01 06:21, Monte Goulding wrote:
My reading of this is that any content embedded in a stackFile should
be licensed under the GPL. I could be wrong as I’m also not a lawyer!
I would have thought that the spirit of the license that it applies to
everything the application requires to function.

Whilst the GPL can be used to cover content there are more (GPL compatible) suitable ones. The main problem with applying the GPL to content is deciding what constitutes the 'source code'. Indeed, I believe there is an FAQ on the FSF site about such things but I can't find it at the moment (slow internet connection on a train!). Generally the Creative Commons style licenses are far better for content - you just need to pick a variant which is definitely compatible with the GPL (CC/0, for example).

To be honest I’m unclear if there are grey areas about loading content
at runtime from external files. It may be only OK to license
differently under certain conditions like publicly documented file
format reader/editors???? I don’t know about that but it would have
seemed to be an easy workaround for Wordpress themes if it were
possible to license the php part GPL and the images and CSS etc under
some proprietary license. Like I said though, I’m not a lawyer!

There are no gray areas here. The GPL is self policing in terms of what it requires of the distributor of a GPL licensed work. When you convey a work under the GPL you have to ensure you can supply everything to the receiver to enable them to reproduce the work with or without modifications. If you attempt to ship (say) an app where the code is under GPL but the content files are under a proprietary license you (as distributor) are violating the GPL yourself as the receiver is then not able to reproduce the work with any modifications they might wish to make.

A similar situation (as far as I understand it) covers someone giving you C source-code (say) for a compiled GPL app they are distributing, but not providing the build files that they used to build it (the receiver has to be able to recreate what they received); or using some sort of code obfuscation process on any of the source files which they distributed (the receiver has to be able to modify the code effectively if they wish).

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ ~
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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