I designed an interface for my Devawriter Pro [ go and have a look at it: http://andregarzia.on-rev.com/richmond/dwriterpro.html ].

Frankly I am well aware it is horrible because it is cluttered to blazes with all sorts of fancy features
I built into the thing along the way.

It is meant to be the "B-and-end-all" of Devanagari text entry: were I to dumb the thing down it
would be . . . well . . . DUMB.

So here's Richmond's "9 shilling note" on interface design:

1. You'll never keep everybody happy.

2. You'll always have a fight between what to include and what to exclude.

3. Which is more important? Functionality or Appearance?

4. Every single thing that has ever been invented involves a learning curve; be it a frying pan
or Livecode.

5. People who expect to open a box and get something that "just works" are naive in their
expectations and should not be pandered to.

6. Certainly in my experience with Primary school children they lose interest very quickly indeed in
a program that is moronic and does not involve some cognitive effort.


Livecode's interface as of version 7 is significantly easier to use than Runtime Revolution 1.1.1, and Livecode 8's interface will take a bit of getting used to (especially the new properties palette), but is NOT insurmountable, and is NOT daft, and after a wee while is perfectly usable.

Anyone who feels "lumpy" about Livecode's interface should take a look at Hypercard's, Metacard's and RunRev 1. AND that list doesn't even mention Visual Basic . . . or, for that matter, all those programming languages one writes in a text editor with NO interface whatsoever.


My first reaction when I saw Livecode/RunRev 1.1 was a long sigh of relief after having wrestled with Toolbook and Director. Any rude noises I have made about the interface subsequently are minor by comparison; and, as I have demonstrated time and time again, mucking around with the Livecode interface to get something more to one's taste is really comparatively easy.


On 2.03.2016 10:39, Mark Waddingham wrote:
On 2016-03-02 06:46, J. Landman Gay wrote:
I confess my first reaction was that LC needs an interface designer.

Ah - yes - those magical 'interface designers' who you just ask to give you the perfect UI that *everyone* immediately understands and knows how to use and works exactly how each individual wants it to work ;)

Warmest Regards,


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