On 4/23/2016 1:00 PM, RM wrote:
on arrowKey ArKey
if ArKey = "right" then
move object in some way this line defines
send signal to object to initiate animation script within object
end if
end arrowKey
when I hit my right arrow key ONCE the object moves and then animates ONCE.
HOWEVER, if I keep my finger on the right arrow key the movement
repeats, but the multiple
instances of the "send signal to object" scriptLine get "saved up" and
fire at the point I take my finger
off the arrow key;
The signals are added to a queue but don't get a chance to fire,
presumably because the arrowkey message is happening repeatedly. Queued
messages need some idle time before they'll execute.
This might work better if you add "without waiting" to the move command,
allowing the handler to continue immediately, and then call the
animation handler directly without using "send".
How can I tell when an end-user ('punter') has stopped pressing an arrowKey?
Try rawKeyUp, but you may not need that if you change the move command.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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