Here's my original, which does mess up "undo", but it's a start. I use Command-Shift-<char> to trigger the actions. Cmd-Shift-space, for example, picks up the text under the mouse and puts it into the current selection. I use that almost exclusively instead of copy/paste to enter variable names without typos. Quotes, brackets, and a few other things are covered. In the case of quotes and parentheses where there is no selection, it places a paired set of characters and moves the insertion point between them.

on commandKeyDown whichKey
if ("editor field" is not in the name of the target and "script" is not in the name of the target) \
        or the shiftkey is not down
  then pass commandKeyDown
  switch whichKey
    case quote
    case "'"
      get the selection
      put quote & it & quote into the selection
      if it = "" then
        put the selectedchunk into tSel
        put word 4 of tSel into word 2 of tSel
        put (word 4 of tSel) - 1 into word 4 of tSel
        select tSel
      end if
    case "v" -- paste only plain text
      put the clipboardData["text"] into the selection
    case "9"
    case "0"
    case "("
    case ")"
      get the selection
      put "(" & it & ")" into the selection
      if it = "" then
        put the selectedchunk into tSel
        put word 4 of tSel into word 2 of tSel
        put (word 4 of tSel) - 1 into word 4 of tSel
        select tSel
      end if
    case "["
    case "]"
    case "{"
    case "}"
      get the selection
      put "[" & it & "]" into the selection
      if it = "" then
        put the selectedchunk into tSel
        put word 4 of tSel into word 2 of tSel
        put (word 4 of tSel) - 1 into word 4 of tSel
        select tSel
      end if
    case " " -- scriptPaint
      put the mousetext into the selection
      pass commandKeyDown
  end switch
end commandKeyDown

private command setEditorDirty -- make the editor know things changed
  type space
  delete char (word 4 of the selectedchunk) of the target
end setEditorDirty

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |

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