On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Dan Friedman via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

> Greetings…
> With LC 8.1 and later, we’re now using tsNet rather than libURL.  That’s
> fine.  However, a Windows standalone that uses tsNet cannot even launch
> unless tsNet.dll is in the same directory as the standalone.exe.  This
> makes deploying a single file on Windows impossible.  Which means you have
> to zip everything up and hope your client double-clicks with correct file,
> or use an installer. Yuck!
> Now, we know that we can create a standalone that uses libURL instead of
> tsNet (thank you Matthias, http://lists.runrev.com/
> pipermail/use-livecode/2017-April/236013.html).  But, can you switch
> systems after launch?  If you can, then you could create a standalone that
> uses libURL -- which will launch.  During the app’s startup you could then
> save any DLLs, files or whatever either from custom properties or download
> from the net.  Once all that was done you would then switch to tsNet.  Or,
> even require that the user simply restart the app and it will re-launch and
> use tsNet.
> So, when the app launches if it doesn’t find tsNet.dll in the correct
> location, then it continues using libURL and downloads/saves tsNet.  If it
> does find tsNet in the correct location, then it uses tsNet.
> What do you think?  Is this possible?

That is exactly what I would try.

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