Here is some code to pass params by name - value pairs. It is relatively
easy with the paramCount and param functions of livecode.

on mouseUp

  myHandler "type=blue","name=fred","something=234"

end mouseUp

on myHandler

  repeat with i=1 to the paramCount

    put param(i)&cr into tArg

    set itemDel to "="

    put item 1 of tArg into tName

    put item 2 of tArg into tValue

    put "Name:"&&tName&&"= Value:"&&tValue&cr after msg

  end repeat

end myHandler

On 6/28/2017 2:42 AM, via use-livecode wrote:
> This is how ChartMaker ( ) works, with
> only the required name-value pairs and in any order. It does make
> implementing modifications to chart displays a lot easier for exactly the
> reasons you give!
> Hugh Senior
> FLCo
>> -----Original Message-----
>> I don't know when OL will be available or how it'll work.  I only know
>> one thing it won't support, based on an earlier conversation with Mark
>> Waddingham:  R-style arguments (similar in many respects to CSS values).
>> In R, things like the plot command have reasonably-useful defaults, so
>> that you can just pass in data with nothing else and get a useful result.
>> But if you want to tailor it you pass arguments in as name-value pairs,
>> e.g.:
>>    plot(cars, type="o", col="blue", ylim=c(0,12))
>> What I like about that is I'm free from having to remember parameter
>> order, which also means I don't need to add a hundred commas if I want
>> to pass in a value for the 101st param.
>> With name-value pairs I can include only the options I want, and in any
>> order.
>> Extra bonus points that the purpose of any argument is made explicit by
>> including its name.  If I see "o" I don't need to count commas and guess
>> about what that applies to, I know very clearly looking at the name
>> provided with it that it governs the plot type.
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