So LiveCode has long has this feature called 'wait' - it is one of those seemingly innocuous things which, from the surface seems simple (it allows you to wait for something - it's great when syntax is aptly named!) however it is perhaps one of the deepest language features we have.

I think there is some confusion (or puzzlement) as to why I am a little hung up on it because, on the whole, the 'wait' command is not actually seen in script that much. Certainly it is part of some people's coding style (the one thing I love about LiveCode is that it promotes a very pluralistic style to solving programming problems), but on the whole many of us rarely if ever use it. Well, we *think* we don't use it.

The thing is that 'wait' is such an important feature to LiveCode that many pieces of syntax use it without you knowing! The pure mathematician in my likes classifying and counting things (hey its what we do!), so here is a reasonably complete list of the places the engine uses it (this list is alphabetic by source-file in the engine order):

- it is used to provide the flash of the menu when a menu accelerator key is pressed

- it is used to wait for uses of shell() to send back any data so it can be accumulated for return

- it is used to wait for a return value from sending an AppleEvent on Mac (send and request)

- *it is used to implement 'wait for/until/while ...' (kinda obvious, but hey, I was trying to be semi-complete ;))*

   - it is used to implement 'read ... with timeout' forms

   - it is used to wait for process death when you do 'kill'

   - *it is used to wait between beeps when you do 'beep <n>'*

   - *it is used to moderate the speed of 'drag from x to y'*

   - *it is used to moderate the speed of 'type STRING '*

- *it is used to moderate the time between mouseDown and mouseUp when doing 'click at'*

- *it is used to wait whilst a non without-waiting form of 'move' is invoked*

- it is used in the mobile browser control to wait for JavaScript evaluation to finish

   - it is used to wait for mobile calendar UI modal panes to return

   - it is used to wait for mobile photo taking panes to return

   - it is used to wait for mobile contact UI modal panes to return

- it is used to wait for mobile datetime/option picker modal panes to return

   - it is used to wait for mobile compose mail UI modal panes to return

   - it is used to wait for mobile media picker UI modal panes to return

   - it is used to wait for mobile fullscreen videos to finish

   - it is used to wait for mobile text message UI modal panes to return

- it is used to wait inbetween vibrations when you use 'iphoneVibrate <n>'

- *it is used to wait between frames for visual effects / transitions*

- it is used in all forms of blocking socket commands (open, read, write etc.)

   - it is used to wait for blocking DNS resolution to finish*

- *it is used to wait for 'modal <stack>' to finish (by closing the stack)*

- *it is used (in libURL) to wait for evaluation of 'url <url>' to finish*

   - *it is used (in libURL) to wait for 'post to url <url>' to finish*

   - *it is used to wait for 'popup widget' to finish*

- it is used by various other things in externals, and widgets and libraries to implement things which need to wait for something or some time in order to have something to return

Phew! The ones surrounded by '*' are ones which would make some sense to have working in HTML5. Almost all of these can be rendered in a form without 'wait', they just end up being *slightly* less useful or easy to use (e.g. get url -> load url, always use 'move without waiting', etc.).

So, first thing to point out, even without 'wait', if we manage to implement all the existing things which make sense in the HTML5 engine, 'greenfield' (new projects) will work fine (as you avoid the things which don't work in HTML5), and a reasonable number of existing projects (particularly ones which are already written to use 'load url' rather than 'get url') will also work. However, there will still be a substantial number of existing projects which will not, without significant code changes.

One of the things we pride ourselves on is that (on the whole) an app written on one platform will work, largely unchanged on all the others (particularly if platform-specific features are avoided). However, we can't really keep that mantra, if something such as 'wait' is abandoned because it is deemed 'too hard to implement'. It means for any project targetting HTML5, you have to write in a different style, and avoid a reasonable number of features that many use day-to-day.

Now, if these features were 'just' things like 'drag' or 'click' or pick any specific (non-general language feature) that we have things wouldn't be too bad. However, 'wait' is a different kettle of fish altogether.

Wait is essentially LiveCode's implementation of 'async' - this is something that C# has (which is a much newer language than LiveCode - and its HyperTalk heritage); it is something JavaScript is in the process of adding. The simple reason is that event-driven coding is so ubiquitous these days (we've known its important for a long time) that other languages are gradually catching up to the need to have some way to do it easily.

Of course, async (i.e. wait) in LiveCode is not perfect - it is recursive, and not side-by-side (or 'round-robin' would be another way to put it) - and it is a little bit specific. However, on the whole, the fact that it exists at all *and* the engine uses it in various commands *does* simplify things.

So, 'wait' is important. Indeed, one of my hopes is that through getting wait to work in HTML5, we will also be able to *then* improve wait to bring it on par with other languages much more recent 'async' implementations. Indeed, my hope is that we can get to a point that code which needs to be written in a threaded/callback style now in LiveCode could actually be written without callbacks - this is the goal of the additions to JavaScript (due to node.js and its pure event-driven nature) - and if they can do it without having had a 'wait' implementation to build on, why can't we?

Anyway, the 'wait' beast in HTML5 has almost been slain (at least in thought). I think we almost have a solution which will require modest C++ code changes (which are doable without huge churn); and the rest can be done as a process that transforms the scripts we write. It might be upon further analysis, that another angle of attack actually makes more sense - compiling the current syntax to a bytecode, and using a VM which understands how to wait to execute it. To get performant code out, the asyncify algorithm / process would still be needed at some point; so it is merely a matter of ordering. At the moment, I *think* asyncifying at the script level will take less time to engineer and thus gets us to a fully compatible HTML5 engine quicker; however, we shall see what the next few months bring.

Warmest Regards,


P.S. One other possibility I've toyed with is doing LCS->BYTECODE, then BYTECODE->ASYNCIFIED_JAVASCRIPT. The latter would be particularly easy if targetting browsers which have already implemented the new async JavaScript features. Since it looks like the HTML5 engine will only become truly widely usable when we move to WASM, this might well be a much more maintainable, and relatively quicker option.

Mark Waddingham ~ ~
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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