Personally I would do something I learnt to do in about 1976 in FORTRAN:

make yourself an 800 x 800 stack, and a lineField called "POYNTS",
and an irregular polygon called "POLLY"

put 0 into KOUNT
repeat until KOUNT > 6.29
put (KOUNT * 100) + 1 into LYNE
put (400 +((sin(KOUNT))*300)) into LR
put (400 +((cos(KOUNT))*300)) into UP
put LR,UP into line LYNE of fld "POYNTS"
add 0.01 to KOUNT
end repeat
set the points of grc "POLLY" to the lines of fld "POYNTS"

I wrote this "straight off" into the e-mail client without checking it in LC: it SHOULD generate a CIRCLE with points; you can them squish the thing to get the Oval you require.


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