Sequently found "effectivePoints" and used that and it works fine on Mobile.

But this thread became something more, it became about generating a polygon 
object that "looks like" an oval. 

But is an oval such an object at all?

Mark Wieder via use-livecode" < on behalf 
of> wrote:

    How many points would you guess are in an oval?

BR Ahhh, programmatically perhaps it has no "points" as such… being a single 
continuous line shaped only by its changing arc-radius values.?
i.e.  a mystic conundrum: "infinite number of points and not points at all"

SCOTT  Rossi wrote:

You can use the effectivePoints to get the points of any graphic shape, but 
depending on the size, your oval may produce too many points.

In any event, your source oval doesn't need to be perfect. If you reference a 
"decent" number of points along the shape of the oval, your image will have the 
appearance of moving along an elliptical path.

BR: But using "The effectivePoints" seems to work as if there were no points 
(as such), but only a contiguous line… 

Which takes us back to Marks first question…"how many points in an oval"   
which I will re cast as: 

At the depths of the LC engine imaging algorithms… is a circle or oval made up 
of points at all?


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