On 2017-08-11 17:26, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:
On 08/11/2017 02:24 AM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode wrote:

Not quite on topic for the thread, but this interested in me in terms of - what are the use cases?

Somewhat similar to Ralph's use cases, this paradigm comes up quite
often in my code. Probably the most common case is where I want the
performance of a 'repeat for each' loop but don't have a proper
iterator to use, so I have to use a doppelganger. Examples here from
actual working code:

Hehe - I wasn't clear enough there... I meant 'use-cases for a generalized form allowing start index to be specified'.

Although, Ralph's suggestion of allowing a counter alongside *any* repeat perhaps suggests the generalization *might* be worthwhile (after all there isn't a thing you are counting from 1 there - unlike in repeat for each).

So, let me rephrase - what are the use-cases people can see for allowing (some variant of):

   repeat ... with counter tCounter starting from tStart

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
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