What about handlers?    Stacks already call preOpenStack and related handlers. 
   Adding handlers that get called automatically would leave it as script only 
but allow for post-load initialization.    I haven't looked to see what is 
already processed though.


> On Aug 19, 2017 at 10:58 PM,  <Monte Goulding via use-livecode 
> (mailto:use-livecode@lists.runrev.com)>  wrote:
>  Hi Folks lcVCS was invented before script only stacks and for the most part 
> script only stacks covers the use case much better. If you have a complicated 
> stackFile then no matter what text representation we make of it you would get 
> lost dealing with merge conflicts and diffs. If you don’t believe me try 
> looking at an Xcode storyboard merge conflict… it’s no fun. You really are 
> better off just being careful to avoid working on ui stuff on multiple 
> branches. If you have a trivial UI then you can generate it on the fly as we 
> do with some stacks in the IDE. If you have something a little bit too 
> complicated for hand coding generation on the fly then you could use 
> something like the scriptonlyUI library I experimented with one rainy day 
> https://github.com/montegoulding/scriptonlyui . Anything more complicated is 
> just as well off staying a binary file and using script only behaviors for 
> scripts. Having said that there _are_ a couple of stack properties that we 
> could add to script only stacks to make things work better and I don’t think 
> it would be all that tricky to add something YAML like that the engine reads 
> between the `script “”` header and the stack script. The properties that I 
> would add are behavior and stackFiles so your script only stack would look 
> like this: script “StackName” --- behavior: stack “ParentBehavior” 
> stackFiles: - ParentBehavior: some/path.livecodescript --- command MyHandler 
> -- code end MyHandler There could be some other properties that would be 
> helpful but I think these are the critical ones causing issues for behavior 
> hierarchies which are lost when saving so you need to script them. Perhaps 
> even stackFiles isn’t that necessary as the stackFiles could be set on a 
> binary stack elsewhere or the stack could be in a location the engine would 
> find it. We would probably only want to add properties that we feel are 
> causing issues which behavior definitely is. The less you add the less chance 
> of a merge conflict on some change you didn’t intent. Of course once you add 
> _any_ properties it’s suddenly _not_ a script only stack so… BTW if we only 
> wanted to add behavior and only stack behaviors at that it might be nice to 
> just include that in the header: script “StackName” with behavior 
> “ParentBehavior” command MyHandler — code end MyHandler I actually really 
> like this option as it’s in keeping with the original faceless script object 
> concept. Cheers Monte _______________________________________________ 
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