On 2017-08-21 01:31, Monte Goulding via use-livecode wrote:
Right now you need to handle preOpenStack in stack A and setup the
hierarchy because stack B does not retain the behavior property when
saved and does not get any kind of message when used as a behavior. It
may actually be a good idea to add a loadBehavior and unloadBehavior
message sent to the object using the behavior so it can initialise its
own heirarchy. Still I think saving the behavior property with the
script only stack is a simpler solution.

I think its been suggested before that a 'loadStack' message might be quite useful (perhaps it should be 'createStack' - we have 'deleteStack' which is probably sufficient for the antonym) - allowing a stack to 'do something' when it is loaded into memory, and then unloaded (equivalent to OnCreate / OnDestroy in LCB) as loading/unloading is a slightly different part of the life-cycle compared to opening and closing.

I can certainly see that it would be a 'simpler' solution in some ways to save the behavior property - however, then it isn't 'just' a script anymore - it is actually just a cut down object, so that leads us into having general properties / structures encoded in a 'script only stack'.

I was playing about with prototyping something yesterday - array literals - it has been suggested before (indeed I thought there was a partial attempt by someone before - but I couldn't find it) but I thought it would be interesting to try it: https://github.com/livecode/livecode/pull/5824

Basically this patch adds JSON-like (which is LCB-like too!) syntax for sequence (numerically keyed array) and array (associative array) literals:

put [ 1, 2, [ 3, 4, { "size" : the length of tOtherSeq } ] ] into tSeqVar put { "foo" : "bar", "baz" : tMyValue , tMyKey : [ 1, 2, 3 ] } into tArrVar

The syntax is the same as in LCB - keys and values can be static or constant. The implementation has the nice property (well, the sequence version does - the array one isn't quite finished yet) that actual constant literals (those which have constant key/values which can be evaluated at compile time) will share the value. i.e.

  put [ 1, 2, 3 ] into tSeqVar1
put [ 1, 2, 3 ] into tSeqVar2 -- this will actually share the in-memory value with tSeqVar1

This means that you can explicitly write the same constant anywhere, as much as you like in script and still only have one instance of it. Indeed, the performance of using array literals compared to separate 'put' statements to construct them is quite encouraging:

   BenchmarkStartTiming "LegacyCreation"
   repeat kRepetitions times
      get empty
      put true into tLegacyLiteral[1]
      put 1 into tLegacyLiteral[2]
      put pi into tLegacyLiteral[3]
      put "Hello" into tLegacyLiteral[4]
      put false into tLegacyLiteral[5]
      put 2 into tLegacyLiteral[6]
      put pi into tLegacyLiteral[7]
      put "World!" into tLegacyLiteral[8]
      put it into tLegacyLiteral[9]
   end repeat

   BenchmarkStartTiming "ConstantCreation"
   repeat kRepetitions times
get [ true, 1, pi, "Hello", false, 2, pi, "World!", [ true, 1, pi, "Hello", false, 2, pi, "World!" ] ]
   end repeat

   BenchmarkStartTiming "LegacyDynamicCreation"
   repeat kRepetitions times
      put empty into tLegacyLiteral
      put _Identity(true) into tLegacyLiteral[tOne]
      put _Identity(1) into tLegacyLiteral[tTwo]
      put _Identity(pi) into tLegacyLiteral[tThree]
      put _Identity("Hello") into tLegacyLiteral[tFour]
   end repeat

   BenchmarkStartTiming "DynamicCreation"
   repeat kRepetitions times
get [ _Identity(true), _Identity(1), _Identity(pi), _Identity("Hello") ]
   end repeat

Note: In the 'LegacyDynamicCreation' test variables holding actual numbers and not numeric literals are used as that is a fairer test with how things work at present (a technical detail - literals such as 1 are actually stored internally ready for being used as an array key; whereas dynamic creation has to create a key from the actual index 1).

On my machine I get the following results:

        LegacyConstantCreation 3037 ms
        ConstantCreation 53 ms
        LegacyDynamicCreation 10330 ms
        DynamicCreation 6496 ms

So there's certainly a significant performance advantage.

My only concern is introducing more symbols. There is another option here using ( ) can also be made unambiguous:

  ( expr ) - grouped expr

  ( expr , ) - single element sequence

  ( expr : expr ) - single key/value

However, I wonder if this is a bit too subtle - it would be all too easy to use ( expr ) for when you actually want a single element list - no amount of context can really help here.

This also overlaps with recent discussions about strings. The syntax of literals above is the same as JSON (and can be made compatible with Python, just by allowing a trailing ',' in lists) *except* that LCS strings are not escaped so they aren't necessary copy/paste comparison. Therefore it does suggest that making "..." escaped strings as cross-compatible with other languages as possible is maybe something to seriously consider (if we wanted Python cross-compatibility '...' type strings would have to be too - although Python has about 6 variants of strings, you can use letter prefixes before the quote to change the interpretation of the string).

Anyway, getting back to the original point of the original post... The reason this might be of interest to the problem of script only stacks is that with a suitable 'loadStack' type method, you could do something like:

on loadStack
  set the properties of me to { \
    ... key/value pairs of properties ... \
end loadStack

Indeed, if we had a better 'properties' property (i.e. as suggested by me in terms of import/export array - something allowing you to get/set the core persistent state of an object directly) then you could have script-only-stacks which *also* contain their state (and, by collorary, state of objects on the stack) - via having code which does it.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
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