On 2018-11-13 08:35, Geoff Canyon via use-livecode wrote:
So then why does put textEncode("a","UTF-32") into X;put chartonum(byte 1
of X) put 97?


  1) textEncode("a", "UTF-32") produces the byte sequence <97,0,0,0>
  2) byte 1 of <97,0,0,0> is <97>
3) charToNum(<97>) first converts the byte <97> into a native string which is "a" (as the 97 is the code for 'a' in the native encoding table), then converts that (native) char to a number -> 97

That implies that "byte" 1 is "a", not 1100001.

1100001 is 97 but printed in base-2.

FWIW, I think you are confusing 'binary string' with 'binary number' - these are not the same thing.

A 'binary string' (internally the data type is 'Data') is a sequence of bytes (just as a 'string' is a sequence of characters/codepoints/codeunits).

A 'binary number' is a number which has been rendered to a string with base-2.

Bytes are like characters (and codepoints, and codeunits) in that they are 'abstract' things - they aren't numbers, and have no direct conversion to them - which is why we have byteToNum, numToByte, nativeCharToNum, numToNativeChar, codepointToNum and numToCodepoint.

The charToNum and numToChar functions are actually deprecated / considered legacy - as their function (when useUnicode is set to true) depends on processing unicode text as binary data - which isn't how unicode works post-7 (indeed, there was no way to fold their behavior into the new model - hence the deprecation, and replacement with nativeCharToNum / numToNativeChar).

You'll notice that there is no modern 'charToNum'/'numToChar' - just 'codepointToNum'/'numToCodepoint'. A codepoint is an index into the (large - 21-bit) Unicode code table; Unicode characters can be composed of multiple codepoints (e.g. [e,combining-acute] and thus don't have a 'number' per-se.

Warmest Regards,


I've looked in the dictionary and I don't see anything that comes close to
describing this.


On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 10:21 PM Mark Waddingham via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

On 2018-11-13 07:15, Geoff Canyon via use-livecode wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 3:50 PM Monte Goulding via use-livecode <
> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Unless I'm misunderstanding, this hasn't been my observation. Using
> offset
> on a string that has been textEncodet()ed to UTF-32 returns values that
> are
> 4 * (the character offset - 1) + 1 -- if it were re-encoded, wouldn't
> it
> return the actual offsets (except when it fails)? Also, 𐀁 encodes to
> 00010001, and routines that convert to UTF-32 and then use offset will
> find
> five instances of that character in the UTF-32 encoding because of
> improper
> boundaries. To see this, run this code:
> on mouseUp
>    put textencode("𐀁","UTF-32") into X
>    put textencode("𐀁𐀁𐀁","UTF-32") into Y
>    put offset(X,Y,1)
> end mouseUp
> That will return 2, meaning that it found the encoding for X starting
> at
> character 2 + 1 = 3 of Y. In other words, it found X using the last
> half of
> the first "𐀁" and the first half of the second "𐀁"

The textEncode function generates binary data which is composed of
bytes. When you use binary data in a text function (which offset is),
the engine uses a compatability conversion which treats the sequence of
bytes as a sequence of native characters (this preserves what happened
pre-7.0 when strings were only ever native, and as such binary and
string were essentially the same thing).

So if you textEncode a 1 (native) character string as UTF-32, you will
get a four byte string, which will then turn back into a 4 (native)
character string when passed to offset.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
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