I'm grateful for all the information, but _outraged_ that the thread that I carefully created separate from the offset thread was so quickly hijacked for the continuing (useful!) detailed discussion on that topic.

From recent contributions on both threads I'm getting some more insights, but I'd really like to understand clearly what's going on. I do think that I should have asked this question more broadly: how does the engine represent values internally?

I believe from what I've read that the engine can distinguish the following kinds of value:
        - empty
        - array
        - number
        - string
        - binary string

From Monte I get that the internal encoding for 'string' may be MacRoman, ISO 8859 (I thought it would be CP1252), or UTF16 - presumably with some attribute to tell the engine which one in each case.

So then my question is whether a 'binary string' is a pure blob, with no clues as to interpretation; or whether in fact it does have some attributes to suggest that it might be interpreted as UTF8, UTF132 etc?

If there are no such attributes, how does codepointOffset operate when passed a binary string?

If there are such attributes, how do they get set? Evidently if textEncode is used, the engine knows that the resulting value is the requested encoding. But what happens if the program reads a file as 'binary' - presumable the result is a binary string, how does the engine treat it?

Is there any way at LiveCode script level to detect what a value is, in the above terms?

And one more question: if a string, or binary string, is saved in a 'binary' file, are the bytes stored on disk a faithful rendition of the bytes that composed the value in memory, or an interpretation of some kind?



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