I have moved up to OSX (it's wonderful) and want to develop CGI's on my own
machine. The mail lists have snippets, but not enough to put it all

I put a copy of the darwin engine into


But, that's as far as I can get, the terminal.app on -ls returns only my
user directory. "/" returns permission denied...so OSX won't let me deeper
than my own user directory to CHMOD 755 to make the engine executable.

Anyone figure this out yet? If so, suggest you would help us all to write a
small FAQ on the subject.

Now, I am wondering if we need to use that library at all, really, if one
just made a cgi-bin directory in one's own "Sites"  folder, then one could
set permissions from the terminal.app. But, I don't want to re-invent the
wheel just now. This has got to be simple.

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