Have you tried  http://my.machine.ip/cgi-bin/test-mc.cgi ?  This should
work.  I'm thinking you need to configure Apache some more to run a cgi-bin
in your user folder, but the main cgi-bin (CGI-Executables folder) should be

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sivakatirswami" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Metacard List"
Cc: "Fontenot, Joe*" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 10:08 PM
Subject: Running CGI's locally on OSX

> OK, see previous post... I "hit the books" and was able to do the
> Put the Darwin engine in the two places  /Users/katir/Sites/cgi-bin/
> And also in the /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/
> I figured out how to use the terminal.app on OSX and went in and CHMOD
> everything to  755 (both engines in both places, the cgi-bin in my own
> folder and my test script below.)
> #! /mc
> On startUp
> Put "hello"
> End startUP
> If I invoke the cgi from my browser
> http:/my.machine.ip/~katir/cgi-bin/test-mc.cgi
> It just returns the ascii text of the cgi... I.e. Nothing is executed...
> Same thing happens if I change the path to the engine to:
> #! /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/mc
> Still no go...
> Any clues?
> Hinduism Today
> Sivakatirswami
> Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
> www.HinduismToday.com, www.HimalayanAcademy.com,
> www.Gurudeva.org, www.hindu.org
> Read The Master Course Lesson of the Day at
> http://www.gurudeva.org/lesson.shtml
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