On Friday, November 8, 2002, at 10:14 AM, SilverDollar wrote:
I’m running Quicktime video clips in a player using the “Set the filename of player 1 to MyClipName, followed by a “Start player 1” command. (my thanks to the examples posted on the website).

When the clip is finished playing, I’d like the last frame to disappear. As it stands, the last frame persists.  I’ve tried several variations using the “Done” function hoping to either hide the player or go to another card at the end of the video.  I can’t get the Done function to work.  It seems to continue waiting even though the video is long over.  Only Cmd-period gets the script to stop.

You could probably set a callback event for the movie that sent a message to your player when the end of the movie was reached. I haven't tested this but it should work.

In the properties palette for your movie you can set a callback event under the "QuickTime" tab (it has a little QuickTime Q). At the bottom of the palette you can enter callback events. In the column on the left you would enter the duration of your movie. In the column on the right enter the message you want sent to the player when the end of the movie is reached.

Now you just need to create the script to handle the message when it is sent to the player. In the script tab for the player enter:
on NameOfYourMessage
set the visible of me to false
end NameOfYourMessage

This would hide the player when it is done. Hope this works.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia

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