This autumn I started my PhD on Colour Imaging Science at the Derby
University, UK. A requirement at the institute is knowledge of MatLab and
"C" - MatLab for modeling and C for compiling applications. MatLab I know,
so that's ok - but now I have to learn "C" on top of all the other things I
have to do.

So my question is the following: Could Revolution (since I'm already
familiar with it and like it!) be a substitute for "C" when developing
scientific applications? Typical needs would be the ability to read,
manipulate, display and output different types of image data, Possibility to
compute Matrix, Fourier and Polynomial algorithms etc.

I'm also curious to know if any other list members have developed scientific
applications with RunRev, and in particular - since it's in my line of
interest - Imaging, Psychophysical, or Colour related applications.
I've used RunRev to produce a data manipulation tool for my wife carrying out chemistry research at Loughborough University, UK. In addition, I used RunRev to produce a tool to capture data from an analytical chemistry instrument (a diode array detector for an HPLC) and output it in a form suitable for importing into Excel.


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
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