Hi miscdas,

Alex Rice writes:
"""Runtime Revolution today announced a special preview of Revolution 2.0""" What's the scoop on this? Does it just mean a recent build is on someone's laptop ready for demoing at Macworld? :-) Alex Rice, Software Developer
Repeat after me:
If it's not on my desk
if it's not on the shelf,
is it for real?
--Yeah, right.. so's an Elf!
V-A-P-O-R  W-A-R-E

Date: Fr, 27. Dez 2002
Just a few words on your priorities in life. I noted a number of posts dated Dec. 25. For those raised in the Judeo-Christian culture, this typically marks a time of gathering of friends and family for, let us say, "bonding" of some sort. Take time to reflect on what you were doing during this holiday time, and examine your priorities in life. Perhaps family doesn't bring the excitment of XTalk programming, or perhaps you are addicted to programming. Being social creatures with purported "higher-order" thought processes, turn some of that thinking power towards your socialization circle and see if it meshes well with the group's needs.
The New Year is just around the corner. The time is ripe for formulating realistic resolutions.
Happy Holidays

The road to enlightenment may at times seem the darkest path. Make neither the journey nor the goal superior; only the balance of each in its own measure can bring fulfillment.
although i know that you are a valuable and helpful member of this list
i cannot but ask you:

How do these 2 posts fit together ?

Escpecially the last sentence is remarkable in my opinion...

Think !


Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list

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