Hi miscdas,

The road to enlightenment may at times seem the darkest path. Make neither the journey nor the goal superior; only the balance of each in its own measure can bring fulfillment.
although i know that you are a valuable and helpful member of this list i cannot but ask you:
Thank you for your opinion. I'm sure others will be hard-pressed to find the value or the help.
It's simply a fact !
You posted many solutions to many questions.

How do these 2 posts fit together ?
Why do they need to fit?? Do you have some need to have everything fit into some nice neat and tidy predictable little package?
Oh no, not at all...

Escpecially the last sentence is remarkable in my opinion...
Remarkable? In what way?
See below...

P.S. I'm known to make statements in which I have no belief whatsoever. Many people are more than delighted to assume some personal attachment. For example, I received what was to me a very amusing reply to the post at the beginning of this post, in which the writer ASSUMED I am Christian, and perhaps should, as they say, practice what I preach. The funniest thing is, I'm NOT Christian, so the whole post was a scream.
in this case i recommend to use some kind of "satire/irony"-tags, so folks like me won't
be annoyed by posts of this kind, which do not belong to a list like this if they are
meant seriously.

And so i would not have thought that your not too polite "speech" about vaporware
would be opposite to your "christian-ness".

As you see, this is just an avoidable misunderstanding ;-)

Maybe you also forgot the "satire/irony"-tags in that namely post, too ?


Klaus Major

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