I've been trying to understand how one uses appleEvents and have played with
the following script. I cannot figure out how one gets the path of the files
from the script.

One of the things I am trying to achieve is to be able to drop a jpeg
onto a Rev card/window and be able to get the path to that jpeg.
I understand that I can do so with the external that is available
but am hoping to be able to do this through scripting & AE alone.

Can anyone clue me in? Can I achieve this with Rev 1.1.1? How?



Ben Rubinstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wed Nov 28 07:51:16 2001

handle the "appleEvent" message.

Put the following handler in your stack script:

    on appleEvent eClass, eID, eSender
       if eClass = "odoc" then
          request appleEvent data
          if the result = empty then
             answer "OpenDoc AppleEvent!" & return \
                & "id =" && eID \
                & "sender =" && eSender \
                & "data =" && it
             pass appleEvent
          end if
          pass appleEvent
       end if
    end appleEvent

Build a standalone, and try it.  You should see that when you drag and drop
a file, this handler fires, and the data for the apple event is the path of
the file(s).
   http://EZPZapps.com         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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