
When you use the Quit menu item, Mac OS X sends an event to Revolution. You can catch this message with the AppleEvent handler or the shutdownRequest handler. On Mac OS X, I prefer to use the AppleEvent handler most of the time.

If you use either the AppleEvent handler or the shutdownRequest handler without a pass command, the application will not quit by itself (you can also lock messages and issue the quit command).

When you press command-Q, the Quit menu item should work just like when you use the mouse to select this menu item and you can catch the AppleEvent and shutdownRequest messages again. However, your script may catch the commandKeyDown message. If you don't pass this message with the pass command, your application may not quit.

There are versions of Revolution that don't pass the commandKeydown message because of a bug. There are also versions that don't pass the AppleEvent message.

If you are using Rev 2.8.1, problems with quitting are probably due to a script.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 15-nov-2007, om 23:08 heeft Peter Brigham het volgende geschreven:

Now, the other mystery -- I convert my stack to a standalone (now with the correct application name in the Mac manubar!) and when I select "quit <myApp> from the application menu, nothing happens. Anyone have any ideas what could cause this behavior? Per my previous experiments, this is probably *not* due to anything in my scripting, as it seems that the quit command is handled by the system. So what could be the problem?

-- Peter

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