Hi Devin,

I go along with Ken Ray with his kudos. Great and thanks. In fact, since I am just about ready to start up a new series about Revolution on Macinstruct.com's Code Mojo column, may I have your permission to include a link to your tutorial site in the very first article. I will emphasize its value to the "currently" non-rev user, some of whom may become one shortly thereafter. Since I have not started writing the initial article for this new series - they will available every other Wednesday at <www.Macinstruct.com>, I will be more than happy to take some guidance from you regarding your course(s). The readers of Macinstruct.com columns come from a very broad spectrum of Mac Users, so the articles should produce some excellent results for all parties concerned.

In the event that you are not aware of my earlier contributions, back at the beginning of this decade I authored a somewhat similar set of pieces on Macinstruct.com regarding HyperCard, called The University of HyperCard©. I believe it was pretty popular at the time. Earlier this year and late last year, I wrote several articles about Revolution, but found myself inundated with my "real" work and stopped writing last Spring.

Now, that I once again have a little free time on my hands, I'm hoping to pick up where I left off; perhaps a little wiser and more knowledgeable about Revolution's various foibles. Guiding them to your tutorials would be of great service to everyone, myself included. Once again, Great Job!


Joe Wilkins

On Dec 17, 2007, at 8:17 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:42:22 -0700, Devin Asay wrote:

I have an extensive collection of "tutorials for beginners" on
various Rev topics that my colleagues and I have put together for our
beginning programming in Revolution course. Anyone in the Rev
community is welcome to access them. There is a tutorial on Menus is
Rev, among many others. Hope you find them useful.


Those are great, Devin! I knew you were teaching a course over at BYU
but I didn't know you had this stuff available to the Rev community.
Thanks a lot!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
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