
> What advantages does Rev cgi have over PHP? Since I know Rev and
> don't know PHP, it certainly has advantages for me. But how might I
> argue this point to others who are familiar with PHP but not Rev?

Rev cgi is perfect for web sites with low traffic but with complex things
to do for every server request. Rev cgi is also much faster than php, and
(imho) easier to debug and to read.
The downside is that every server request launches a new Rev instance,
and I've seen project directors refusing the use of Rev cgi because of that.
The connection between Rev cgi and databases can also bring heavy
headaches, since the last compiled version available is getting quite old
(AFAIK). In a recent project on a Linux server, we had to spend 2 days
reinstalling libraries in order to link Rev cgi with mySQL. In another
project on a Win2K server, I never managed to link rev cgi with mySQL
and had to write 2 small php routines, which of course really slowed down
my scripts...
But I've recently heard that the upcoming new Rev cgi engine would be less
dependent of environment libs...


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