On 23/2/08 9:26 AM, "Richard Gaskin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So it may be best for Rev to keep focusing on honing the engine for the
> business tasks currently asked of it, while the Handheld Platform Wars
> play themselves out for at least another year.

I agree that we need to play the waiting game for a while but hopefully not
for too long. Handhelds have been around for a while without ever really
taking off - but I reckon that's about to change. While I don't expect to
see an iPhone (or whatever) version of Rev anytime soon, I'd hope that
someone in the Rev engine room will at least take the time to investigate
Apple's SDK when it comes out. Yes the so-called web apps that we can
already develop for the iPhone are promising but if you look through the
hundreds that have already been published you'd struggle to find more than a
couple that were truly useful (a bit like Apple's dashboard and Yahoo's
widgets) - but real mini-desktop apps...


Dr Terry Judd
Lecturer in Educational Technology (Design)
Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Parkville VIC 3052

61-3 8344 0187

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