Björnke von Gierke wrote:

On 23 Feb 2008, at 02:27, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Suppose you want to display records from a database in a multi- column list field. You'll want to keep track of the ID field, but that's just noise to the end-user so you don't want to display it.

Currently, you'd have to parse out that column and store it in a separate field. When the user clicks on a line in the list, you look up the corresponding line in the ID field to do whatever you need to do with that record.

But then you want to sort the list. So you have to recombine the ID field with the rest of the list contents, do the sort, then parse them apart again for display.


Not to say this isn't a nice feature request, but removing or adding columns isn't exactly the rocket science you make it out to be.

Never said it was. Not sure what that's about, unless "Ugh" is some acronym for the European Space Agency. ;)

I just said it was inconvenient, and not the sort of thing I want to spent time teaching, nor presumably how RunRev would like to see potential new corporate adoptees spend their time learning.

For example:

on mouseUp
   put 1 into doNotWantColumn
   put 2 into sortByThisColumn
   put the data of field 1 into theData
   sort theData by item sortByThisColumn of each
   split theData by column
   delete variable theData[doNotWantColumn]
   combine theData by column
   put theData into field 1
end mouseUp

Obviously not as simple as not showing a column in the field, and less memory efficient too, but on the plus side this is available now, and most likely faster then a modified field object (everything that has to do with fields is slow).

I think it would actually be the same or slower since it touches the field data twice and requires split and combine, which are computationally intensive on large data sets.

But moreover, your handler does something so very different from the
example I gave above that I'm not sure how it's relevant here.  While
three of us have explained the value of preserving data and just hiding it from display, if I read your handler correctly it completely deletes the column altogether. If the data in this hidden columns were IDs, such as in the example I gave, preserving them would be critical to using the visible data in the field.

For performance and convenience, compare your handler to what I and the
others here are proposing with zero-width columns:

on mouseUp
  sort lines of field 1 by item 2 of each
end mouseUp

With this proposed method we touch the field data no more than yours, but most importantly we're preserving all of the data.

 Richard Gaskin
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