A good point, Peter. It would not affect the example as only 7 day-values are involved, but longer value lists would indeed be affected.

on mouseUp
 sort lines of fld 1 numeric by valueList(word 1 of each)
end mouseUp

function valueList what
 put "Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday" into tList
 return itemOffset(what,tList)
end valueList


I believe I discovered that this custom sort function has to be
modified in one tiny way to work properly. Instead of

sort lines of fld 1 by valueList(word 1 of each)

you have to do

sort lines of fld 1 numeric by valueList(word 1 of each)

The valueList function returns a number, so the sort has to be
numeric. IIRC, this caused a problem for me until I figured it out. I
could be misremembering....

Peter M. Brigham
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