Hello William
An easier way to use the arrow keys is whit the "arrowKey" handler.
But unfortunately it keeps being sent while the key is pressed.
What you need is a way to check for the key being released. The
following code will do the trick
ON arrowKey theKey
if (theKey = "Right") and (not pressed) then
move img "dummy" relative 30,0
put true into pressed
end if
END arrowKey
ON rawKeyUp keycode
if keycode = 65363 then put false into pressed
end rawKeyUp
Andres Martinez
On Sep 27, 2008, at 7:32 AM, William de Smet wrote:
Hello all,
For my little son (4 years of age) I am making a little car game in
which he can move a car around the screen using the arrowkeys.
I made a few obstakels (walls) so he has to move around them but when
he hits them he is send back to the beginposition.
Not to difficult for me to make :-) and a lot of joy for him!!
But now I found a 'bug' in my own game :-(
When you keep the arrowkeys pressed down (instead of just one press)
and hits an obstakel there is now hit and he is not send back to the
How do I prevent this?
I use the following:
if theKeyNumber is 65363 --rechts
then move img "dummy" relative 30,0
if intersect (img "dummy", grc "muur")
then send mouseup to btn "start" -- btn start send the car beck to its
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