More hugs and sympathy from the UK, once you're reading emails again.

Having had data loss problems in the past (not through theft, more through my own stupidity) I'm in the middle of sorting out three sets of HDs - the ones with the working files, a second set which get updated every day or two from the working drives, and a third set a few miles away at my parents, which get swapped with the second set every week. The swapping with drives on another site isn't quite set up properly yet, so at the moment I'm still vulnerable to theft/floods/burning houses etc. :-(

Best of luck, and have a great time at the seaside!


On 10 Oct 2008, at 13:19, Malte Brill wrote:

Dear friends,

to all of you who responded on and off list. THANK YOU!
I really apperciate it. I am not yet in a condition where I can reply to email, but the situation will not bring me down for long. I will be taking a couple of days off. Going seasides next Friday. Too many things to pt into place before. Then I will start with a recharged battery and maybe this is a chance to make it even better than in the first try. I am glad to be part of a community that cares. Thanks to all of you.

All the best,

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