I need to build a UI similar to the Finder or Windows Explorer, in which there are icons that can be moved around, and selecting one brings it in front of the others. To drag you just click and drag of course, and the icon first come to the front then does the dragging action.

These icons are in a scrolling group, the Chipp's thread here last month on relayering controls was very helpful.

But I've run into a snag: I move the object to the top of its group on mouseDown, and then set my vars needed to handle the dragging so they can be used later in mouseMove. The mouseMove stuff works okay, but I never get a mouseUp or mouseRelease to empty my dragging flag. :\

Here's my code - the "put the params" statements in the mouseUp and mouseRelease handlers don't fire:

local sIsDragging, xOff, yOff

on mousedown
  lock screen
  start editing grp "Main"
  set the layer of me to top
  stop editing
  unlock screen
  wait 0 with messages
  put true into sIsDragging
  put the mouseH-the left of me into xOff
  put the mouseV - the top of me into yOff
end mousedown

on mouseMove x,y
  if sIsDragging is true then
    set the topleft of me to (x-xOff),(y-yOff)
  end if
  pass mouseMove
end mouseMove

on mouseUp
  put the params
  put empty into sIsDragging
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
  put the params
  put empty into sIsDragging
end mouseRelease

Am I missing something here, or does editing the background muck with some relationship between the target and mouse messages?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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