
I'm not sure where your angst is coming from. This list if full of people (myself included) that have given every possible credit to SmallTalk, Hypercard, Supercard, et al. Nobody disagrees that Rev is most certainly an xTalk language. I'm afraid you have vastly underestimated (and belittled) the experience of people around here. There are plenty of us who know darn well every last bit of xTalk history and are quite familiar with other languages, including the almighty C. People here have done every imaginable thing from day 1 of xTalk's existence.

Calling out "awkward logic", "rhetoric" and "Coolaid" drinking won't get you very far and I'm quite sure that disagreeing with you is not tantamount to failing to grasp your clear argument. Shockingly, many of us completely understand your points, completely grasp several programming languages and all of the history of xTalk and yet still would disagree with you.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I for one need not drink Kool-Aid to disagree with it.

Finally, your claim that RunRev has not made any significant improvements to xTalk doesn't hold much water with me. Just for starters, try a "repeat for each" loop in Hypercard. Or arrays. Or say, running everything on Windows and Linux. Or as pure CGI scripting language. Or try writing native socket scripts. Or compare the performance of the compiler. Or imageData. Or... the many other things I could surely name given more than a moment's thought.

It hardly seems reasonable to honor your imposibly awkward logic with a reply, but who i ask suggested calling Rev's script "the xtalk" or for that matter, "the" anythhing? I dont think anyone is confused by my clear argument. Maybe your thinking is confused by rhetoric within you. Coolaid. We all make wway too much of it right inside our own heads.

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