>Randall wrote :
>In rev, are externals written to a reference VM so that they are only written once and can run on any platform? Or, do they have to be written >separately to each platform?

I am also very interested in externals in Rev. From little I know so far you need a different external, not only for each platform, but for each (major?) system version. To me this is understandable, as different systems work differently, so the interfacing part with the system needs to be different, as well as possibly the numbers and sorts of variables you'll be passing to/from that particular system.

There is an excellent REV Tutorial  on Externals :  
There is also a part 2. You can download the 'External Creator V3' stack which will create the external for you, if you have the compilation of the code (in C , C++ and others) done. I don't know if you can use Java.

I managed to comple the first examp[le (rnahello) but get a compile error on the second example (rnaeffect) which I am not able to fix because my barely existing C knowledge. After exactly copying in the rnaeffect example from the tutorial I had some errors. Some had to do with the 'exeption handling', which I had to change in the preferences I think. Then I was down to 1 error, which persists.

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