On 27 Jan 2009, at 20:38, François Chaplais wrote:

Le 26 janv. 09 à 22:58, Judy Perry a écrit :

This could be really nice as a set of bookends, that is, a companion piece
on new users who have never used anything else and Rev is their first
language (probably not as many of those people, though).
I'm loving your idea, though!

since this is easy, here are a few languages I have learned (and forgotten) 1) Fortran WITHOUT ANY ACCESS TO A COMPUTER as part of my engineering cursus (at that time, I did not even understand what a computer was) that was in '79

lol, we used to have to punch out cards, take then to the computer room and (usually) get a core dump the next day because there was a missing "," or something!

2) Basic on my Sinclair ZX81 (which made me understand a bit about fortran)

I'd forgotten the ZX81!

3) assembly language on my Apple II (writing a Forth compiler for the fun of it) (early 80's)

Never got to use the Apple II.

4) got stuck when I wanted to program on the Mac, but thanks Wild Bill, there came Hypercard (late 80's)

Same here, but used "Think" Pascal and C,

5) LaTeX (yes, this is a full fledged language (well, TeX, actually)) for my work, on the Mac (beginning late 80's, and still using it regularly)

Not heard that name in many years!

6) Matlab (early 90's and since) for my work (and the strict minimum of C to write "externals" for Matlab)
I tried to learn/use C++, but was despaired by how slooow it was

Never used Matlab either, but I'd like to play with it at some point.

All the Best

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