For over 20 years I have been waiting and wanting an xtalk supporting PS like graphics objects. I sent some years ago a classic curve drawing stack to Rev I created. I have seen others do it within xtalk but not smoothly however well done. Teasing me all the more of the rich, cool possibilities. There is much code for doing curve drawing on web, in textbooks, all in public domain. Yes, there are knotty tech issues to work out for an xtalk; yes, it must be done at the engine level. But it can be done I would hope so. I can only guess why (I have theories but I need to leave that unsaid), but frankly it is a painful mystery to me why Rev is not "getting it". Please, prove me wrong Rev. Please.

Shalom, Andrew
{Choose Life, Create Hope, Nurture Love, Wrestle Faith...}
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