Oh yes, here come the attack dogs.    Richard, everyone  is welcome to their 
openion.  Andrew has a deep and distinguished career in post script and xtalk 
and large scale software projects.  Stop with the (very predictable) defensive 
attack everytime anyone cares enough about xtalk to offer a wish list or a 
considdered and deeply experienced openion.  Why would somone want a curves in 
rev or some other xtalk IDE they work in?  Why wouldnt they???  Going out to 
another media editor and bringing caned constructions into xtalk will never 
give you the kind of live user interaction (under dynamic code control in real 
time) that you would have if it was a native function.  So if you really want 
to protect the image of rev do so as a big person who is big enough to accept 
criticism... Maybe even freely and openly invite it!  Rev is certainly good 
enough to live within an active and critical market and user community.  Your 
attacks are pompus and hurtful and have a tendancy to quiet anyone who might 
not be so bold and self assured as andrew.  And there is no reason.  You are a 
smart man richard.  Use it to break down the walls.  Lets bring everyone and 
all their opinions along on this wonderful journey.  There is room for 
change... Especially when it is 20 years past due.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Richard Gaskin" <ambassa...@fourthworld.com>
To: "How to use Revolution" <use-revolution@lists.runrev.com>
Sent: 2/1/2009 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: Subject: Drawing a curved shape - 2nd attempt

Andrew Meit wrote:
> For over 20 years I have been waiting and wanting an xtalk supporting  
> PS like graphics objects.

Why must it be an xTalk specifically?

I wouldn't write an OS in an xTalk, and for graphic-intensive work I'd 
be quick to consider Flex:


There's a world of options available.  Enjoy them all...

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  Revolution training and consulting: http://www.fourthworld.com
  Webzine for Rev developers: http://www.revjournal.com
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