Kay C Lan wrote:
Whilst I wouldn't argue against the use of TimeMachine, for those who have
it, I find GLX2's Archive feature a swifter solution for such Rev specific

And (not that this helps Scott now) I have a button on my personal toolbar that I use to save instead of the standard Rev save; it locates the filename of the stack, ensures that there is a subfolder of that folder named "(bups)", and moves the existing file into that folder with a version number, before invoking the Rev save. So "test.rev" builds up a trail of "test;1.rev", "test;2.rev" etc. (One of my stacks is up around ;1900 now.)

I made this in the early years of beta-testing the original Revolution, before 1.0, after several times losing everything in a corrupt save; and I've been using it ever since. It saves my bacon regularly, not so much now from RunRev's errors but from my own... I generally just let all the copies pile up, since most of my stacks are tiny; very occasionally I purge if I'm feeling tidy.

The script is simple but if anyone would like a copy I'd be happy to share. (I think Altuit also offer a plugin with a similar effect, which is probably more polished and has more features.)

More directly relevant to Scott's problem; I don't know what it means when Spotlight displays a dotted line icon either. An hypothesis, since Spotlight (even when just searching for filenames not content) searches in its database rather than in the file system, would be that if it finds a matching record in its database, but then couldn't the file actually on disk, Spotlight might choose to display that in this way. It could be that Spotlight happened to index in the interval between Rev creating the backup file and deleting it.

The other thing I'd try would be to open the terminal and use "locate", eg "locate myFile.rev". I have a feeling that on current versions of OS X, locate uses the Spotlight database; but I'd at least expect it to give you a more unambiguous report.

But to be honest, I think it's unlikely that the file you seek will be found. I think it's more likely that Spotlight is reporting a ghost, than has found the file but refuses to tell you where it is.


- Ben

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