small correction: \s is same as [ \t\f\r\n], and \S is opposite to \s.

viktoras d. wrote:
there is:

  if matchText(fld "fText", "\S") is false then
     answer "no text in field"
  end if

This one checks for any symbols that are not "whitespace" of any kind (\S is same as [ \t\f\r\n]).


Bob Sneidar wrote:
I wonder, isn't there a way to use regular expressions to check for white space?

Bob Sneidar
IT Manager
Logos Management
Calvary Chapel CM

On Feb 3, 2009, at 6:18 AM, Andre.Bisseret wrote:


I need to test if a given list field in a stack contains some values
or if it is empty.
Well, by "empty" I mean that the field contains not any word or
number. But it happens that it may include carriage returns and/or tabs.
In such cases :
field "thisField" is empty
return false.

If there were only carriage returns, I could test if each line of the
field is empty;
indeed :
line x of fld "thisField" is empty
returns true if the only character in the line is cr
but returns false if there is at least one tab in the line.

I just tried :
if last char of fld "thisField" is empty  ;-))

that seems working well ! but a bit strange and might be not reliable ?

Is there a better trick ?

Thanks for any idea

Best regards from Grenoble
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