It's the old tradeoff between functionality and ease of use. If you think about it, there are a lot of things we might want to say in Transcript (or whatevertheheck we are calling it these days). But we can't because there has to be SOME rules in play to prevent us from thinking we are saying one thing, and having Revolution think we are saying something else.

Take for example 5 * 5 + 1. Did we mean (5 * 5) + 1? Or did we mean 5 * (5 + 1)? Well we know by math formula rules that the multiplication is calculated first, so 26 is the correct answer. It would have been clearer to just use the parenthesis and avoid any confusion, and many programmers would. So does Rev. But my point is, someone decided that was the rule, so we could never be mistaken about what the result would be.

Perhaps you could have said 'answer item 1 of word 1 of "aaa,bbb"' in Hypercard, and Hypercard would be perfectly happy to decide what you meant. But someone decided beforehand what the rules would be. It isn't that there ISN'T a rule, it's just that the rule was heretofore unknown to us.

The looser things are in the language, the greater the possibility that you will not get the results you expect. How often has THAT happened to us? As flexible as Transcript is, (please no corrections you know what I mean) it actually has a TON of rules that we subscribe to every day without even thinking about it.

So the Rev people decided to make a new rule that said, "Chunk order must be small to large" and it may have had to do with the internal mechanics of the parser, but more likely it was to keep us from saying things that had no meaning. I mean, how much sense would it have made to say, 'the short name of stack "toobig" of card "toosmall"', or 'word 1 of char 1 of "This doesn't make any sense?"' That's my My 2ยข. (pun intended).

Bob Sneidar
IT Manager
Logos Management
Calvary Chapel CM

On Mar 12, 2009, at 10:00 AM, wrote:


Right. I was cavalier in thinking I can validate Rev issues by emulating them
in HC. This is not fair to Rev.

I like parentheses.

But is this really a bug? Or just the way the parser works? I have many constructs in HC (get word line item 3 of the...) and I hope that this probably common and well regarded methodology is fully transparent to Rev, too. If I have
to use parentheses, well, OK. So report or no? Anyone?

Craig Newman

In a message dated 3/12/09 12:07:47 PM,

Odd. Yet this works properly:

get word 1 of "aaa,bbb"

answer item 1 of it

put it

Congratulations. You found a bug. Please report it to the QC.

FYI - parentheses are your friend. the below construction works and makes
it clearer anyway:

answer item 1 of (word 1 of "aaa,bbb")this really a bug? Or just the way the
parser works?

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