Kurt Kaufman wrote:
properties can store whole files or applications, images, arrays,
SSL-encoded data, fonts, entire databases, almost anything you can think of....

But we still need to create an actual file to be referenced by the QT player, right?
We cannot, for instance:

set the filename of player "MyPlayer" to the myMidiData of player "MyPlayer"

[where myMididata is a custom property of the player "MyPlayer" in which the data of a complete MIDI file was previously stored]

Right, the player has to access a file. I was only addressing the difference between field storage and property storage. In HC all we had were fields, except for the later versions which allowed you to store data inside a button, which was in effect a sort of custom property. Rev of course allows any number of properties in any object.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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